We are fundraising to purchase a new Fujitsu fi-7460 ADF scanner with a 3 year service warranty for Hit Save!, which will be sent to Dustin Hubbard (Hubz). Dustin has scanned hundreds of game magazines and manuals and has shared them on Gaming Alexandria as well as the Internet Archive over the years for all to enjoy. To see some of what has been preserved by him you can check out a ton of magazines scanned here - https://archive.org/details/@hubz
Dustin had previously purchased a used Fujitsu fi-7460 scanner himself for this purpose, but after years of use it is  starting to show signs of its age, one of which is that one whole side of the duplexer no longer functions properly. This greatly slows down his preservation process as he now has to scan magazines 4 separate times to get all the necessary scans for both archival needs as well as PDF/CBZ files for the public to enjoy. Along with a new process, a properly working fi-7460 scanner that can duplex will cut Dustin's work down to only having to scan a magazine through once, literally cutting the time required into 1/4th of what it was previously!
What does this mean for you? More magazines scanned and preserved in a timely manner!
The goal is to raise as much as possible of the purchase cost for the Fujitsu fi-7460 with 3 year warranty. It is quite an expensive model and that is mainly due to the fact that it can scan up to A3 size magazines! This is necessary in order to scan items that is larger than letter size (such as many European magazines), and also gives us the ability to take stapled magazines, remove the staples and feed them through. Once that is done Dustin puts the staples back in order to restore the magazine to its original form without any serious damage. These are then generally shipped to the Video Game History Foundation to be used in their library.
We are trying to raise a total of $3,500 for the scanner and 3 year service warranty.
Hit Save! is a non-profit organization, and is exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code. Contributions by U.S. taxpayers are deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Any amount you can donate would be greatly appreciated! If you've ever enjoyed the various scans Gaming Alexandria has produced over the years please consider donating in order to get even more high quality magazine scans to enjoy.
Thank you!