We just got back from burying our supply of Pitfall! 8K Limited Collector’s Editions in the local landfill, but despite that project’s untimely end, we do have some good news that isn't a prank: We’re thrilled to announce a huge expansion to our livestream content! We've been hard at work digging through the archives for more behind the scenes content, event coverage, interviews, trailers, VHS tapes, and other cool historical content so that we can broadcast it live to you on Twitch and YouTube. The thumbnails below are just a taste; we’ve more than DOUBLED the amount of content in the playlist, and are now sitting at over 37 hours of content, and counting! To celebrate, we’ll be exclusively playing the new content for the next few days to reward our loyal viewers who may have gotten tired of some of the old stuff.

Additionally, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be holding live watch parties to highlight the addition of particularly interesting or rare content, as well as to celebrate game history milestones and anniversaries. Our first livestream watch party event will be at 8:00 PM EST on April 9th, two days from today! We recently acquired several very interesting European VHS tapes; promotional Nintendo tapes from Europe that, as far as we can tell, don’t exist anywhere online yet! This Tuesday we’ll be debuting Nintendo Händlervideo IFA 95, a German Nintendo VHS tape that contains 34 minutes of advertisements, game footage, sales data, and previews. As best we can tell, it was put together for the 1995 Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin (IFA Berlin) Electronics Exhibition. Some highlights include German TV ads for Nintendo games and hardware, as well as early Ultra 64 demo footage like the SGI shark demo. Once we’ve finished our premiere, the video will be added to the loop and normal 24/7 playback will resume. We'll have a little introductory video in advance of the screening, and team members will be in the chat, so come hang out and feel free to ask questions about our process!

We can't wait to show you all of the cool stuff we've collected, and from here on in we’ll be more active in announcing what kinds of new content we’re adding to the stream, so keep your eye out for updates on social media and in the Discord server.
Stay tuned!