As the year of 2023 is closing shortly, we want to extend a huge THANK YOU to all of our supporters, partners, and volunteers, without you we could never have done this. You rock!
As part of our yearly wrapup, we would like to share some of the more interesting parts of what happened in 2023, in chronological order 😄
Our first live event
We ran a full day event at a local library in Tewksbury, MA, where children of all ages came to play games ranging from Atari 2600 to PS2. It was a great event and we're looking forward to hosting more of these in the near future!
VGNY partnership
We officially partnered with VGNY to preserve their published indie titles, and we're super excited about the prospect of talking to the developers behind their amazing games.
24/7 livestream goes live
We now have a 24/7 livestream going on Twitch, with an assortment of material from our archive. We're planning to have theme-filled weeks in 2024, so stay tuned for more information about those.
Preserve.Games launches
As a response to our community wanting another place to have open discussions, we launched which we hope will continue to grow and prosper as an independent platform for video game history news, discussions, and content.
Game preservation community efforts
The amazing work by RockmanCosmo and team on Japanese mobile phone games is discussed on our Discord, and through these blog posts. We also had the eReaderProject crew give us two updates on their goal to scan and preserve all e-Reader cards.
A fantastic effort by everyone involved!
Interviews with Artemio Urbina and Rik Nicol
We had a super fun interview with Artemio Urbina, the genius behind many amazing things such as the 240p suite, make sure to check it out.
We also interviewed Rik Nicol from Goodboy Galaxy, a new GBA game that came out late in 2023, really interesting to hear about all that went into making a new game for one of the most beloved handheld consoles of all time.
Fundraising for a translated Donkey Kong article
The community fundraised an article translation for a very technical article on Donkey Kong's development, you can read it all here:

Opening up our treasure trove of press material
Last but not least, we started a massive project of opening up our press material collection to the public, and we're really happy to share it with you all through our online archive.
We look forward to continuing our work in 2024, and if you haven't already, come join us and help us do more!